About us

Welcome to our digital alcove, where history whispers through the pines, culture thrives amidst the challenges of modernity, and language serves as the heartbeat of a community tirelessly working to preserve its essence. I’m Kanata Pelq’ilc, a Secwepemc (Shuswap), weaving my role as a historian, educator, and advocate into a narrative that spans the vast timeline of my people. Here, through words and stories, I strive to bridge the past with the present, illuminating the resilience, richness, and profound connection to the land that characterizes the Shuswap identity.

My journey into the annals of history is not just a professional pursuit; it is a personal odyssey rooted in the soil of my ancestors. With every article, I aim to capture the spirit of our ancient roots, the wisdom encoded in our sacred sites, and the vibrant cadence of the Shuswap language—each element a thread in the vibrant tapestry of our community’s story.

The land, with its undulating landscapes and sacred spaces, holds memories and meanings that are as vital to our identity as the air we breathe. These sites are not just coordinates on a map but are imbued with the spirits of our forebears, echoing their prayers and celebrations across generations. My work seeks to peel back the layers of time, offering a glimpse into these hallowed grounds that continue to nurture and guide us.

Language, the vessel of our culture’s soul, is at the heart of our collective endeavour to keep our heritage alive. The Shuswap tongue, with its rich symphony of sounds, encapsulates the wisdom of our elders and the dreams of our children. It’s a testament to our resilience, evolving yet enduring, as we forge paths to ensure its vibrancy for generations to come.

Our calendar is marked by the cyclical rhythms of nature, celebrated through festivals and ceremonies that strengthen our bonds and reaffirm our place within the circle of life. These gatherings are not mere events but are profound expressions of gratitude, remembrance, and continuity—each one a step in our endless dance with the seasons. As new chapters unfold in the story of the Shuswap people, so too will the pages of this site evolve, reflecting our ongoing journey of preservation, adaptation, and growth.

In this endeavour, I am but a single voice within a chorus of many, each contributing their unique perspective to the rich mosaic of our heritage. Through sharing these stories, we not only honour our ancestors but also lay the groundwork for a future where our traditions, languages, and sacred spaces are respected and thriving.

So, I invite you to join me in this exploration of identity, belonging, and the enduring spirit of the Shuswap people. Together, let’s celebrate the legacy that connects us, the present that engages us, and the future we aspire to create.